Upstream Advisory I Performance

Case Study

Pure Goat Company

Change Better. We support companies to structurally improve their business…


Pure Goat Company is a start-up with organic certified infant goat milk and follow on formulas. The Company has operations in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany with disruptive ambitions.


Food & Agriculture



Our goal was to successfully close an early stage capital raising process.

  • After the initial series A capital raising process of Pure Goat Company in December 2018, Upstream Advisory successfully secured the first round of bank financing.

  • In close cooperation with management, we carved out the business plan, financial model and financing strategy.

  • Please don’t underestimate the importance of sufficient preparation prior to start the roadshow. Make sure your storyline is rock solid before you go out on stage. Above all don't play around with the numbers.

  • Make investors and banks compete to provide you with funding.

  • It's not all about the sum of money, don’t underestimate (flexible) terms and conditions and willingness to walk the extra mile together. 

  • This project underlines our capability to successfully close the Capital Raising process of an early stage company.

Ps Are you interested to lean more on Lean Startup? If yes, go to blog. Lean Startup.

…with our head in the sky and feet in the mud