Upstream Advisory I Performance

Program Management

Lean Six Sigma Program

Change Better. We support companies to structurally improve their business…

Although we are facing several severe crises multiple companies continue to feed corporate obesity. Why should you trim down, reorganize your resources around value streams and become laser focussed on only a few key priorities? Based on our experience, we share how to do so and build a Lean Six Sigma Program

Do what is right, not what you think headquarters wants

or what you think will make you look good

Awareness Creation 

Start with why? Create a purpose everyone wants to become part of. All improvement initiatives require senior management approval with air support.  

Demonstrate data driven leadership "show me the data" enabling fact based decision making.   

Program Management

A program is a group of related projects with a common goal. Visual management is key to effectively track and trace the status of all the projects and key initiatives in portfolio.

Instead of the project management approach focusing on content, program management focus is on context. Total cost of ownership = benefits minus capex/ costs, resources, issues and risks.

Training, Coaching and Support

It starts with training which is only 10% of the learning journey, 20% is coaching and 70% is doing. The actual coaching and support provided to newly trained change agents is the most important factor for projects to move forward and become a success. Some examples of support are project coaching, community events and website with case studies and toolbox.

Please note the actual work is not done with the presentation of the project report to senior management. Successful implementation is a formula quality of the improvement times acceptance by the people. 

Project Pipeline

A pipeline of projects is to be developed topdown the strategic roadmap of senior management versus bottom up identification of potential improvement projects. Everyone can contribute as headroom for improvement is always and everywhere.

Its up to the Site Leadership Team to prioritize and driven by high level analysis develop clear objectives. Project closure is always subject to a warm hand/ takeover.

Identify potential Change Agents

In general a lot of effort is being put into finding the right projects and less attention spend to find the right people. Enabling resources to become change agent is a significant investment. This requires careful selection. Handpick delegates wisely.

Allocation of budget and resources (people and time) is assigned by the portfolio manager.

…with our head in the sky and feet in the mud