Upstream Advisory I Performance

Post Merger Integration

Change Better. We support companies to structurally improve their business…

The outcome of the due diligence process and in particular synergy effects are subject to successful implementation. You have to deliver synergies promised. Based on our experience, we share a structured approach to navigate in a post merger integration process.

Please take into account that although strategy consultants might deliver an outstandig report, succesfull implementation always boils down to the acceptance by the organization. 


Put together a cross functional taskforce. Select your team members wisely. Give them mandate to make decisions and provide sufficient funding. 

Project Charter

Define problem scope, statement and purpose. 

Information & Data Collection

Collect expert opinions, information and other qualitative inputs. Go look and see. Investigate and listen to the voice of the customer, employees and other stakeholders. These inputs are subject to validation. Is this an opinion or fact based? Collect and validate quantitative data. 

Define & Communicate Strategy & High Level Plan

Define strategy. Develop a 30 - 60 - 90 day high level plan and communicate them. The baseline is the outcome of the due diligence process. Study the reports in depth and challenge everything until proven. In addition, leverage best practices and lessons learned of both organizations to drive revenue enhancement and cost reductions.

Continuous Improvement Culture

Create a continuous improvement culture with self managing teams. (Re)organise your equipment, people and cash around value streams. Improvement potential is everywhere. Developing a continuous improvement culture starts with awareness and training the basics of waste and lean principles. Everyone is able to contribute on a daily basis. Make it count with incentives and have fun together.


Develop and implement no brainer and quick win solutions. In the meantime, study in depth more material problems subject to influence factor analysis, brainstorming improvement actions and pilot testing. Please note 70% of the projects fail due to lack of acceptance by the users and warm hardover and takeover

Monitor Performance

Develop a control plan and monitor the impact closely on customer and employee satisfaction. Implement visual management tools to enable data driven leadership based on data analytics.


A picture says more than 1.000 words. A video is worth 30k pictures, but an experience is worth much more. In case you are interested in the Post Merger Integration Process see below

…with our head in the sky and feet in the mud