Upstream Advisory I Performance

Leaders Recruitment

Construct A-Team

Change Better. We support companies to structurally improve their business…

Today in the tight job market it is key to attract talent and spot potential leaders. Building the team should always be your priority number one. This will enable you to realize your ambitions together. Based on our experience, we share a structured approach to recruit future leaders.

Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results 

(1) Understand the local job market

(2) Develop a Job Description and Recruitment Strategy. 

  • Please don’t underestimate the importance of the creation of the job description prior to publication. Have someone draft the text who completely understands the position becoming available. The actual content comes from the people doing the actual work; 

  • Be Crisp, Clear and Precise. Ask yourself the key questions : 

                                        - What is the job title?

                                        - What is the Role & Responsibilities?

                                        - Develop a Successful Candidate Profile

  • Develop a Recruitment Strategy

(2) Review Resumes and Interviews

  • Review the resumes, weed out the obvious, do some pre-employment screening and shortlist candidates;

  • Prior to any conversation prepare. Do not ever walk into an interview without reviewing the resume, linkedin profile and other Social Media Channels; 

  • During the interview

                                       - ask critical questions. In the meantime, ask yourself what kind of person is this? I may trust this person with my                                              life, but do I trust you with my money and my wife?

                                       - take a test drive. Always do a Business Case prior to any decision making; and


                                       - always be willing to walk away

  • Do a background check. 

(3) Meet the Team

  • Invite the lucky candidate to be on-site and meet some team members; and 

  • Listen and pay attention. Always take team members feedback and inputs into consideration.

(4) Hiring and Onboarding Process

  • Present a job offer;

  • Some negotiation is fine, but be reasonable. It takes two to tango; and

  • Hire and start a structured onboarding process 

…with our head in the sky and feet in the mud