Upstream Advisory I Performance

Data Driven Leadership

Surrounded by data, but starving for insights

Change Better. We support companies to structurally improve their business…

In a world of constant disruption leaders navigate unknown terrain. To support their direction the creation of a data driven leadership culture enbles to unlock your potential to realize your ambitions. Based on our experience, we share a structured approach to develop data driven leadership.

Without data you're just another person with an opinion

A structured approach to realize data driven leadership is, as follows :

Strategic Roadmap

(re)design the strategic roadmap by using historic data. Invest sufficient time and resources in fit for purpose IT systems and training  around continuous improvement and data analytics

Key Performance Indicators

define, measure, analyse, improve and control a data driven KPI tree

Visual Management

Enable everyone to use a limited number of standard dashboards. First, listen to the voice of the business/ customer before starting to develop. Final, succesful implementation is only possible after a demo and training next to 24F7 helpdesk support 

Improve Community

Establish active communities around specific focal points. Handpick your members wisely, focus on KPIs and keep it simple. This is a long term project, which takes months or years to complete. Planning is an ongoing process

Data Driven Leadership Culture

Support effective evidence-based decision making. It requires a substantial investment in training hours to embed a data driven leadership culture across the organization. Once established act upon shifting customer demand and latest market intelligence trends.


A picture says more than 1.000 words. A video is worth 30k pictures, but an experience is worth much more. In case you are interested in the roadmap from daily routine to future proof, see below.


…with our head in the sky and feet in the mud