Go Look and See
Change Better. We support companies to structurally improve their business…
Amidst multiple crisis many companies are struggling. How are you actually doing? How do you take stock prior to design, develop and execute a strategic roadmap? Based on our experience, we share a structured approach ask 5x Why leading change.
As a leader there is nothing more important, startling, and helpful than seeing the truth
How to Approach to solve a problem with 5 times Why? Make up your mind in some options to consider :
Top Down Orders is History
Together with your management team you come "old school" with your own roadmap and leave your employees out of this process. Please be aware impact of improve is a formula quality of the solution times acceptenance by the employees.
Go 2 Shopfloor Yourself
Get down. Get Dirty. Get in touch with reality.
Travel down from the office location into the production location. Bring one colleague only to take notes. Ask 5x Why to multiple key and random staff members? Remember this is a unexpected low profile visit. Talk to the shiftco's and operators. Please note this is all about the operators and not a marketing event from senior management. No pictures please.
Appoint an internal or external change manager. Together pick your internal project team members visely. Accountability and Ownership are crucial to drive effective improvement.
Strategy Consultant
In case your consider to approach a strategy consultant. Based on your inputs you will receive a solid roadmap, with questionable acceptance by the employees. Is this resource, money and time well spend? Months later this leaves you with a stiff invoice and implementation to be done by yourself.
Don't fall for the trapp of a fancy how to bible By McKinsey & Co. which results in on he one hand estronomic invoice and other hand no guarantee for implementation success.
Our recommendation hire a fixer to solves your problem hands on teaming up closely with your team of shiftco and operators. Create an environment of experiments and learning.
Illustration Video
A picture says more than 1.000 words. A video is worth 30k pictures, but an experience is worth much more. Let's start with a short video on 5x Why Jefferson Memorial Example.
…with our head in the sky and feet in the mud
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